I love this month because it causes people to pause and look at their lives from a place of abundance, rather than lack. Look at what you do have, bless it, thank God for it. For the one who has much, more will be given. Here's a quote from the book, Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World, "The secret to happiness lies not in getting what you want, but in wanting what you have. Without gratefulness, we are prone to hardness of heart and dark mind." By recognizing the gift of God's Grace in our lives, it is impossible to take it for granted. We recognize it by saying thank you, by being grateful. Otherwise, we begin to take God's Grace for granted, abusing it and allowing our hearts to become dark.
By thanking God, thanking each other and counting our blessings, we experience God. We experience the Grace of God, His Divine Mercy.
From a scientific perspective, gratitude can change brain chemistry. Studies have actually shown how the brain's activity changes when a person begins saying thank you. Psychologically, one's perspective can't help but shift to a more positive framework.
There is a post from a friend on facebook who has just completed chemo and radiation. She decided to start the month by writing one thing she is grateful for everyday. What a great exercise for us all!
So this month, the term the Angels have given me is "The Gratitude Initiative". Everyday this month, say out loud what you are thankful for. Write down one thing. Tell your friends and family. Pass it on. Share it. Let's see how many people are ready and willing to acknowledge the Grace of God in their lives.
Count your blessings. Through Gratitude, we experience Grace, we Grow in Love and give Glory to God. Stamp your foot for God (and glue some feathers and googly eyes on it!)