Believe it or not, the same is true for us. We don't have to ask, it's already answered. There are many laws in the Universe. We live our lives by them naturally. Occasionally, we can get stuck in analyzing them. It's come to me that one of the many reasons Jesus is a miracle is because He came to give us one law that would allow us the freedom to just bloom and grow without having to worry about the rest.
This law: Love one another as I have loved you. Surrender completely to God's Perfect Plan for you.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
You can say it a few different ways, but it means the same thing:
1. I surrender to Your Perfect Plan for me.
2. I am in Joyful Alignment with You
3. I trust in you Lord.
Jesus showed us that if we give ourselves completely and yes, this means completely to God, we don't have to worry about anything. That's incredible! When we surrender to God's perfect plan for us, that means we move through our day unencumbered by the woes of the world. We trust that every moment is perfect. We trust that each encounter is Divine. We trust that someone knows what is best for us regardless of what we think.
Ahh, there's the crux. Regardless of what we think. Yet, we are to think. We are to use our Free Will. However, we can dialogue with God. When at a crossroads, we can ask Him if something is beneficial for us or not. We can scream, "Help me!"
So I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened to him.
I used to think that God meant the same thing as the Universe. It does not. God made the Universe. In fact, science has shown us that there is more than one Universe. Does this mean there is more than one God. Nope, there is still only one God who made the Universes. The Universe we live in is a sentient being, a complex mirage of cellular structure and flow of energy - as is our planet, as is our world, as is our body.
As it was in the beginning, is now and every shall be forever and ever.
When we trust God, we trust that God is a Being so magnificent, so grand, so loving and kind that no one could possibly want more or better for us than this Being. This is God. Now, here comes the cool part. God made us and saw that we had forgotten our connection to Him so he sent Jesus. God fit His grandness into the man Jesus and delivered the radical message of love through Him. Ever try fitting into your skinny jeans? Imagine fitting all of God into this man. This human. Jesus unlocked the door for us to have communion with God, with Love, with the Truth of our existence. Jesus taught us the laws and that they were much easier than we all thought. And the easiest one is to accept the Lord our God and surrender our entire being to Him. To trust completely.
When we trust that completely, we trust that the Universe God designed works in perfect harmony for our benefit all the time. Why? Because, God wants the best for us.
I've heard many of you ask, "What's my purpose? It would be easier to trust in God's plan for me if I knew what it was." Got news for you - our purpose is all the same. To love one another as God has loved you. Do you need a fancy title? A career path? The choices are endless. What you do to sustain a living may or may not be related to loving others and that's OK. Maybe you make cupcakes, but are on call for a friend in need with cancer. Do you need a title to go with it? Do you really need more purpose than to hold that friend's hand as she moves ever closer to the light?
Pick a direction in which to steer your ship and move towards it. God will fill in the blanks. When you trust in God and that there is a perfect plan for you, trust that the right opportunity will be presented to you at the right time. Trust yourself. Trust your feelings and ask for direction towards a more meaningful life, career, relationship. Trust that you are guided as you ask. You might doubt, you might be afraid, you might even beat yourself up a bit. The fact of the matter is that you trusted enough to take the first step.
Here are some signs to look for:
1. It feels good now and later.
2. It feels so scary it excites you a little.
3. You have no idea why you are doing this thing, but know in your gut it's what you need to do.
4. Events progress easily. People, things, circumstances just unfold. Coincidence is God working.
5. You're pissed off and had enough. Enough to take productive positive forward motion. Or maybe even say, "Enough is enough!" Frustration and anger can be beneficial.
6. It feels good. In your gut, in your heart, in your being, it just feels good!
Let all that you do be done in love.