Lots of introspection going on... Something remarkable happened recently - a paradigm shift. For so long I had been researching my 'negative' feelings and trying to understand their meanings. In doing that, I came upon limits. What are my limits? As I started this journey, my mantra was to release "all limiting ego illusions". It's an oxymoron. Ego is limited and an illusion. So, in essence, I was asking to be light again, which means not to have the human experience.
Stay with me here. Our essence is light. We are all light, in my mind, that is soul. We are all a piece of creation and therefore a part of the Creator - God. We all instinctively know that there is so much more to this life than what we see. We know that ANYTHING is possible because we have experienced it without these human bodies. But, here's the kicker - we chose to be incarnated here in the human form. We came here to have the human experience so that the Creator could experience all that He is through us. And, so that our individual soul could learn. When you're all light all the time, how are you to experience anything unless you go a place that has some dark. Then you can recognize the light again.
Because we came here, this existence has limits. But we define the limits to shape our experience. Beliefs are limitations. Every belief we've ever had or ever will have is a limit designed to craft our experience here. These limits allow us the freedom to create situations to learn from or to define ourselves through. Our error lies in us forgetting who we really are and thinking that these beliefs and limitations are true when they are just illusion. That is why, in my mind, Jesus is incredible. He was able to transcend the belief of death. He was able to show us, in no uncertain terms, that death is an illusion, that this existence is an illusion. These bodies, this existence is pretend. It is all for the pleasure of the Creator and the salvation of souls.
Now, here is where it gets interesting... we are just to trust that what we experience is for our best and highest good, no matter what. But, what if we can change our beliefs. It's been proven that the subconscious mind is a program of beliefs we've developed from all our lives and from the current one we are living. So, all we have to do is make the conscious decision to believe the belief that will get us closer to enlightenment. This isn't about manifesting, this is about being in the flow of Creation. Being Creation. We can choose to believe in the trust of the Creator or we can choose to believe differently. "But, seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33As we were watching Kung Fu Panda tonight, Master Ugway said "the past is history, tomorrow is a mystery and the now is a gift that is why we call it the present". To live in the present is to trust in the Creator. To trust in the Creator is peace.
The greatest gift anyone can have is inner peace. I have three boys and a lot of poop talk - I've tasted inner peace a few times. Enough to know it's there, attainable and to want more. The KNOWING or trust that all is provided for us via the Creator is a lifelong process.
So, in order to experience true inner peace, I choose to set the belief/limit:
I trust God. This has been my experiment this Lenten season. To test my trusting, not testing God, but my ability to trust Him. I've given over larger and larger parts of my life to Him to transform. It's a layered process. In every blessed challenge I've had, I've been reminded that this is yet another opportunity to deepen my faith, which is trust, in Him. It's incredible to watch everyday unfold according to God's will, watching my prayers and requests be met according to His will - KNOWING it's all in my best and highest good and better than I could have ever imagined.