Now that we have a basic understanding of the roles of the ego and the soul, lets move onto the
vocabulary of negative emotion that God has been teaching me. Once I started understanding what my perceived negative emotions were and what they meant, it showed me the programs in my ego that I was ready to release.
The soul, mind and body may seem seperate, but are united as one inside the body and work with each other. The liver, heart, speen, lungs and kidneys are the 5 major yin organs. If one of them is sick, it will breatk the harmony among all of them.*
The following details lower vibrational thoughts and feelings and links them to these organs.This is what I've come to understand...
Joy = heart
Fear = kidneysAnger = liver/stomach/spleenAnxiety = lungs/large intestineWorry/pensiveness = spleenGrief/sadness = lungsFear keeps us in our bodies. The ego is fear. Once the body is without pain it dies. Now stay with me here - the ego is fear and it is part of our body. The ego also wants enlightenment which is love of itself. When we fear for our safety it is an alarm for survival of the ego and body. When the ego learns that we choose our experiences, there are no victims, and blame is an illusion it can recognize that there is nothing but love left.
All there is - is love, love, love. OK, that's not to say that the soul this body is carrying has not brought stuff with it from other lifetimes. It has. The ego is new and doesn't understand this. However, it can be taught to integrate and heal those experiences from those lifetimes in order to have an enjoyable experience this time.
The blessing is to recognize the fear and ask if it is valid in this lifetime. If it is not, it may be from another lifetime the soul brings with it or from being instilled as parental programming during childhood. Fear has it's own vibration. The mission is to reprogram the fear by understanding it and then allowing it to be released. Our bodies can be reprogrammed just like a computer to release the beliefs and patterns that do not serve us to carry out our soul's work. All the other 'negative feelings' we perceive come from fear. The only real emotion is LOVE because that is from God. Fear is an illusion.
Jealousy - The ego sees stuff as love. It is also a way to define yourself in a state of lack. If someone has more stuff, the ego concludes they have more love. Usually the ego wants to know what that person knows because it assumes they must know more because they have more stuff (i.e. love). Bless the situation and know that we are all on our own journey. No one is better or less. We all have our lessons to learn in this lifetime. Bless the people or person and yourself for you do not really know what their lesson is. This life is for you to learn your lesson, and them to learn theirs.
Anger directed outward is a projection of dissatisfaction with ourselves. Usually its because the ego doesn't understand. It's having a temper tantrum like a child. Anger directed inward can take the form of depression. It's a repression of our true feelings and not voicing our truth gracefully and honestly. First we repress our truth by denying our true feelings, then we repress it by not communicating it outward. The feelings get locked away and bottled up. The top pops and it comes out. We all get angry, it is a natural, healthy way to release the energy. It's when we've developed an unhealthy habit of anger directed at others, ourselves or when we understand anger as love where professional help is required. We have shut off the God flow by not thinking we are worthy enough or perpetuating a process of 'never getting what I want' in life.
Guilt is wanting approval, wanting confirmation of thoughts, to get ourselves to behave differently
- basically looking for love in all the wrong places and creating chaos!
The next time you feel guilty about something, do you say 'I should have'? If so, there in lies the clue - should. Change the question to 'I could have'. Now, look back on the situation and say 'did I really want to'? It's
OK to say no I didn't or yes I did. Either answer is correct and now you have identified what you want to experience the next time an opportunity presents itself. You have a clearer picture of what you want or don't want! See how cool this is? Honor yourself first and then you can honor others with love.
Self-doubt shows us obstacles to overcome. We create fear about our power to achieve what it is that we want. This fear can be broken down into pieces. What is it that is really standing in our way? Make a list. If you can think it or see it, you can do it. It's not the fear that we can't achieve, it's the fear that we can! For when we realize we can, we realize our responsibility and the power of our soul. Give it to God and all you have to do is show up. Make a list of what you can physically do and give the rest to Him. Don't worry, He'll take care of it!
Worry is a tool. Worry is a way to manifest what we don't want in our lives. Abraham Hicks teachings are that worry is manifesting what we don't want to happen. But, I choose to look at it as another tool God has given us in our Emotional Guidance System. By consciously being aware of what it is I worry about, I can choose the opposite. It is a quick way to manifest what I do want by being shown exactly what I don't want. So, instead of thinking the worst will happen, I can visualize the best to happen! Just daydream it. This also breaks the cycle of ignorance. Now, we become consciously responsible for our thoughts and what manifests from them.
Anxiety is not trusting the flow of life, which means the flow of God. It is a trust and control issue. It's when worry has not been recognized for the tool it is and has gotten out of hand. Again, think of it another way... what if this is the huge stop sign in the energetic field of life standing out at you or me telling us, literally to STOP. Stop what we are doing and reevaluate what is working and what is not. In my experience, anxiety has been a time of transformation. An opportunity to change my thought patterns and habits. A time to look honestly at my life and listen to what God is telling me. He is literally screaming His head off at this point. If we pay attention to the signs that came before anxiety, we could save ourselves
alot of trouble. But, like any child, we test our limits. In learning our limits, we can allow our evolution to occur naturally without forcing it or denying it.
Each of these things shows us how to love ourselves more. These feelings show the work that needs to be done to ascend to a higher love vibration- to allow the God, which is in all of us, to flow.
Good feelings = God flow, Bad feelings = Block of God's Flow. We are all God. All of it, everything has a soul. He is always in us and flowing, we just have to allow Him.
These feeling are just tools - they give us insight into ourselves. They are signs that we've forgotten the God in us and need to find a way to remember by choosing the higher thought.
Once you realize that you have all the God power in YOURSELF, you can choose the higher thought, the better feeling, the love!* The Power of Soul, by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha