You might think you are getting in your own way. But what if God is really the one getting in the way because He is keeping you on path? You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are not your experience. You are the witness to the experience of God in what is called your body, in what is called your thoughts, in what is called your life's experience.
So often we may think that 'we are getting in our own way' in regards to success in business, relationships, in life. We are not getting in the way. We are the way. We are the carriers of love, of God. What will be, will be regardless of what we do, think, or say. Our perceptions of the experience change based on our interpretations. Have you ever thought, "If I could only get 2hrs to myself, I could get "X" done." Whatever "X" is. "I know I could make a million dollars tomorrow if I just applied myself." Or, how about this one - "If they would only listen to me or do what I say, it would be done already!"
Here's a thought, maybe you're just fine where you are and you have been fine all along. Maybe you don't need to fix or control anything. Maybe you don't need to respond to the emails from the PTO. Maybe all you have to do is watch them be who they are and figure out how to love them in spite of who you are and who they are - and keep on loving yourself in the process. Lord, just give me the words and tell me when to speak!
All of life shares inherently the same genetic structure. In essence, we are no different than the tree, the bird, or the flower. There are two differences between them and us - we have conscious awareness of our existence and the gift of free will. The tree does not think how to grow, it just grows. The bee does not think which flower to go to, it just goes. The tree does not choose to be cut down, it accepts it fate. The flower does not choose where it grows. We choose to cut the tree and we choose to plant the seed. God has made this incredible creature, called (wo)man with the ability to create in life as He creates.
There are two theories I've been meditating on - 1. We are co-creators of our existence and 2. We are Divine Instruments of God. I've been asked to marry the two, to find the correlations and interconnectedness between them, to understand it and convey it to others.
As of today, this is what has become clear - we are both, but not in the way one might think. We are Divine Instruments, just as the tree and the flower. And, we co-create by surrendering ourselves to God's Perfect Plan for us. In old vernacular, this is called God's Will. There is no right way to do this and no wrong way. Because of free will, we can choose a way that feels good or a way that feels bad. Are we looking for approval? Are we taking things personally? Do we feel guilt? All of these indicate the rise of the ego or the mind directing the experience rather than the heart. If we live this way, we live from the heart.
All we have to do is think the thought of an experience we'd like to have or a goal we'd like to achieve and take a first step towards realizing the outcome. The trying or the work that really takes place is learning how to surrender to God's Perfect Plan for you. In essence, His Perfect Plan for you is the Perfect Plan for everyone.
Let God get in the way.