My son came out of the cub scout meeting and said to my husband, "Dad, look what I won! It's exactly what I wanted!" Dad replied, "What is it?" The kid said, "I don't know. Isn't it great!?"
The logical explanation is this - He won a prize for selling cub scout popcorn. It was a total surprise to him. The bucket had legos, bionicles and other goodies.
The magical explanation is this - God gave him exactly what he wanted in an unexpected way. He didn't ask, "What is it?" Even though 'it' was wrapped in a plastic cleaning bucket. He just said, "Thank you." (I hope.)
How often do we ask or are presented with opportunities, and because the present doesn't fit our expectations we say no thanks? How often do we miss the blessings right in front of us because they are wrapped in a cleaning bucket? Yet, when uncovered or reflected upon deeper, it turns out to be exactly what we wanted? Discernment is a valuable tool. One that develops over a lifetime and constantly changes. We have free will because there is SO much to choose from. God knows our limits here and gives us the ability to choose - to select, accept or reject. All we have to do is follow the feeling our soul gives us. Does it feel good? Does it feel heavy?
My kid chose to accept that day. In his pureness, he knew it was perfect, whatever it was... In essence, everything is perfect just as it is. Every moment is a Divine moment. God doesn't make mistakes.