So, here I am snuggled up to a warm little body and you know what he said? "Mommy, dream for me." The request is usually "Tell me a story about me and tractors, me and trains, me and bulldozers". But that night, it was bigger - dream for me...
I caught my breath. Isn't that what we all want? Don't we want to live the dream? To hear all the best and wonderful things God has to bless us with and to experience them? This little person understood all of this at such a pure level. He is just open to the blessings God has in store for him and wants to hear them and live them. He trusted me enough to dream for him. To imagine his blessings and put them in words.
I can't remember exactly what I said, but it was along these lines... "To always be happy, healthy, safe. To have a great life doing great things. To know we love you, God loves you, Jesus loves you. May you walk in a circle of love and light all the days of your life. Oh yes, and may you have the best John Deere tractor or tractors money can buy."
We live the dream traveling from blessing to blessing.