Today, I ran a 5K with a dear friend. I watched her give birth - to herself. She is the mother of 4 and is reclaiming her identity. Two months ago, she started training to run 3 miles. A mutual friend in our community who runs marathons offered to coach her and would have run with her today if she could. This same coach showed me how to run 3 years ago. And, today, God gave me an opportunity to give back to both of them by supporting the new runner by running with her in this race . I felt the beauty of karma.
My friend is going through a transformation. She is learning how to surrender to the Universe (God) and to push herself into uncertain territory. Is it uncomfortable? Yes. Is it scary? Yes. But she did it and now she can say she ran a 5K. There is growth in uncertainty. We are taught by the Law of Attraction to follow the good feeling, but what if you don't feel a good feeling, but are stuck between "feeling stuck and unhappy" and being scared? The good feeling is not obvious. You choose the scared even if it does not feel good because it lifts you closer to the good feeling on the scale of emotions. If you've ever given birth, you know it hurts. She hurt today. I remember that same hurt. She doubted her ability. I remember that doubt. It's an old friend to many of us. And, when she finished, she cried with relief. The tears of love and joy, are from a heart which surrendered to God a little more today.
Two weeks ago when she asked me to run with her and said yes, I thought, "OK God, let's do it." I haven't run in some time, and thought maybe I should see if I still could. That day I ran 3 miles in 28 minutes. The only reason I can fathom the ability to make that time is because I asked the Angels to be with me and lift me up. It was God showing me to give it over to Him. I was literally carried. He showed me how easy it is when you just trust and are open to allowing.
Here's the fast and furious part. It's been a busy two weeks with school starting and adjusting to the schedule. My soul communicated through my body, to me, in the language of a light cold. The message - SLOW DOWN! OK, but don't you get everything that needs to get done!? I'm running a race, for Pete's sake! The reply was congestion and a cough. Ha! Concern set in - would I still be able to run? Was God's plan different than I thought? Today, the static in my head was quieted when I heard Him tell me all would be well.
Let me tell you - I didn't blow my nose once. My breathing was completely clear, not a cough and we finished in 45 minutes. The course was beautiful and hilly. My friend was scared and excited. It didn't matter how fast we finished, just that we did finish. That was the goal. Knowing time did not matter allowed me to enjoy the moment and forget myself. I felt completely surrendered to the flow of the Universe. It wasn't me running with her, it was Him. God took over my body. There were Angels around us. In fact, I could hardly even feel my body. I was even singing. My friend gave birth to herself today, I died to myself in order to live for His Greater Purpose.
So, I challenge you - Where is your comfort zone? How can you move past it to attain a goal you've been dreaming about? How can you give birth to yourself? How can you give of yourself in order to live for God's Will? Or, to say it another way - How can you surrender to the flow of the Universe and just be in this moment?