As Catholics, we are taught that when the Priest consecrates the wine and the bread, he turns it into the body and blood of Jesus. It has become almost a perfunctory exercise. We understand it is holy, but do we really believe it is the transformed body and blood of Christ? Be honest. Part of me didn't. But in honesty, it's because I didn't understand the bigger picture.
Our thoughts, words and actions are prayers. We are all connected because we are part of the larger soul. To Catholics, this is the body of Christ. Jesus was the man who embodied the whole body of Christ. He embodied the whole Soul. And, he left us with symbolic gestures we could return to in order to practice our devotion to God. A devotion to love. A devotion to surrender of wants and desires to knowing all is and will be provided. Jesus the man understood this. He was able to allow his mind, body and spirit to be in complete alignment with Source energy. That is what the metaphysical community calls it. To me, Source = God. He was able to master all his emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies to be in complete harmony with God's Will. And, because of this, He could show us that death is an illusion - that this incarnation is an illusion.
So, if it is an illusion and He could die and come back to life, then our faith can transform wine and bread into body and blood. Jesus humbled himself in this gesture to us so that we would be able to remember our truth - our essence. We are light and to light we shall return. I accept this belief system because it allows me to give of myself and allow God to fill me. And God feels good.
I was overcome with joy, grace and love as I offered the Blood of Christ to my sisters and brothers. In fact, I had to compose myself as I was moved to tears. It is quite something to be so close to Jesus that you are holding His blood.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.