My brother and I were talking this month. We have the same disease. It's the disease of "what's next". We are both addicted to education, certification, tests, you name it - if it has to do with higher education and knowledge, we are the first ones in line. You might think, that's odd, but you've come to know that I just might be a little odd and I'm OK with that. I know you love me! This is childhood programming at it's height. My parents, especially my father would drill into us the importance of education. Guess it stuck. I'm 40 now and still love school.
My brother has a BS in public health, a MPH in international public health, a BA in nursing and is a registered RN with Yale-New Haven Hospital. Most recently, he's been promoted to manager on the floor. We are so happy for him! I was talking to him about how this year of school for me is ending and how I've been looking at what's next - Master Herbalist, ND, MDiv, PhD. We came to the conclusion that it's fun to look at what's next, but that we should not define ourselves by it. Right now, this moment is all that matters and instead of 'looking' for what's next, we will allow 'what's next' to find us. This allows him and me to stay focused in the present. My kids encourage me to be present - thank God!
I offer this to you for use in your own life. We can make ourselves crazy looking for what's next whether that is a problem we are preparing for, a mountain we want to climb, a run we want to train for or we can just focus on what is happening right now and allow the opportunities to find us. Still set your goals, still dream big, yet keep fine tuning your craft for the next right step is right now. You, me, he is an expert in this moment.
After talking with him, I've decided a process was needed so that I can live in the moment yet still continue to set and meet goals. Yes, I know a process for living in the moment. How OCD can you get? Got a few hours?! Ha!
Living in the Moment Process (the short version) :
1. Make a list. A list of what you'd like to do, be, experience, have.
2. Break that list down into today - what's most important to accomplish today.
3. Divide the list in two - one side for you, one side for God.
4. Give your side completely to God. (menu exercise from Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction)
5. Look at your list for today, this week, this month and prioritize it by what's practical and what is really desired.
6. Start at #1 on your list and pick a time during the day to do it. Or, if you're like me with 3 kids home - pray that God and the Angels will line up that time during the day to do it!
Or you can take the 'screw it' method... don't think, just do and leave the rest to God. Pretty simple.
Our natural state of being is joy. Lists can take the pressure off and get the noise out of the mind so that we can be in the moment and experience the joy.
Be the best you can be right now as you are, where you are, with those around you. Now, you're an expert.