Watch what you say or think. Be mindful with your words, for they are prayers... I've spent the better part of this summer reading about spiritual practices - including Eastern and Western religions. What I've found to be most fascinating is the Buddist practice of mindfulness. I actually made it half way through one of my books and had to put it down because I wasn't getting it. Then, the Holy Spirit led me to a used book store and I found a book about How to be Happy. Now I get it.
Mindfulness is nothing more than watching your thoughts as an observer in your own mind. You watch your thinking instead of taking part in it. It's as if you are disconnected from the thought and watching it as an entity on it's own. When you can separate yourself from the thought, you can see it for what it is and decide if it's worth pursuing. The beauty of this is that you don't have to stop negative thoughts, just watch them and realize it's nothing more than a bad channel you can change. Like static on a radio station, negative thoughts just cloud full connection with Divinity.
As I've been able to watch my own thoughts, doubts, low moods and high moods, I've been able to see myself separate from them. I can partake in life and let the uncertainty, any low self-confidence, and self-doubt be where it is and just walk away from it. It's like watching a trailer for a bad movie and saying, "I really don't want to watch that show" and flipping the channel. You can look at the thought and ask if it serves you or not. Some people love misery, some don't. Just look at it and don't be defined by it.
The Law of Attraction states that what we think, we become or we invite into our reality. For some time, I had been policing my thoughts and just 'canceling' any negative ones until one day, I fell into a terrible mood and had no idea why. I was doing everything right - what gives!? Well, I had fallen into defining myself completely on the fact that good thoughts mean I'm connected to God and well, bad thoughts mean I'm not. This is true to an extent, but diffusing the negativity was something different. When beginning to look at the thought as an observer, I was able to say - "Hey, that might be true, but it might not be also. I choose to err on the side of optimisim and let it go." The negative thought is just an erroneous belief system that requires release or reprogramming.
When it comes down to it, this life is relative reality. Where we come from is absolute reality. If this is just relative, we don't have to get caught up in the drama. We can look at the negative thoughts and realize these are just areas that are mistaken in their perception of the blessings in this life. Then we can cancel them out and choose the higher thought and speak the higher words.
Be joyful. That is your natural state. Anything less is a distraction...