The night before our trip, we were called and told it was overbooked, so we could not be on the charter. We were scheduled to leave the next day. Needless to say, the kids were disappointed. So, we sent up our prayers and asked God, if it is YOUR will, let us go fishing.
I woke up the next morning with the resolve that we would go to the boat regardless and 'pretend' we didn't receive the call. Just play dumb basically and see if we could get on. We did! We were on the boat and ready to go, but there were 4 old, heavy men on the dock who were not happy. Now, I could have said, "Oh well, tough for them", but as I looked at who was on the boat I saw how we did not seem to fit in. It was full of old, heavy men. And one on the dock pulled out a wad of 100 dollar bills just to show his 'interest' in going.
I heard the angels say, "You don't belong here today. Do you understand why now?" I did. We asked if we they were available for the following day and gracefully exited the boat. So, we show up the following day and the only other people on the boat are a mother with her 3 boys who were vacationing without their dad because of work. Hum, sound familiar? It was a sunny, beautiful day and the hotel gave us a complimentary late check out because our plans were changed. It all worked out.
No one else on the boat knew of our phone call or our circumstances. I was given the opportunity to 'see' what would happen and we did. The energy wasn't perfect for our trip on the first day, but it couldn't have been more perfect on Tuesday! God, the Universe, lined it all up and all we had to do was follow the energy and stay in the flow instead of fighting it.
It was beautiful to have this lesson taught so easily and gracefully. God knows what's best for you whether you know it or not. Whether you know why or not. All we have to do is relax, trust and go with the flow - literally. We are always answered when we ask. And we are always given the best answer.
This experience has brought a new level of understanding and surrender to my life. Just ask, trust and be grateful. Have faith. Faith, to me, is believing all will and is perfect no matter the circumstances or the perspective. It's knowing all is already good. It's knowing God knows better for us than we know ourselves, so why fight it? Just state the desire, follow the feeling in your gut and allow yourself to be led.
Remove disbelief in God's power and fear dissolves... then we experience unrestricted access.