Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Passion Test - Lesson 1

What's my passion? 
What's my purpose in life? 
What am I here to do? 
Who am I and where do I fit? 

If any of you are like me, you may have hit a wall at some point in life and reached out for more. Not quite knowing where to go and how to get it, but more. More understanding, more peace, more joy.

When I first asked these same questions all those years ago, the Universe delivered a book to me from a prayer partner named Sandra. I didn't know her very well, but she was more than willing to be God's voice and tell me about this book. I started reading it over 2 years ago and I'm reading it again now. I'm inspired to share some of it's insight with you.

It's called The Passion Test. It promises to help you define what your passion is and create the platform from which you move towards it. If you know the law of attraction and read any of Abraham Hicks work, this will make total sense to you. Even if you don't, it's written as a down to earth, common sense approach to always making the higher choice. The premise - any choice  must be in favor of your passions.

One of the best attributes of this book is its simplicity and practical approach. There is nothing to figure out or wrap your head around. What I find most interesting is that I didn't quite get it the first time around and that was over 2 years ago. It was a great starting place then and even better to read now.

The first lesson - "When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear."  (p.24, The Passion Test, Janet & Chris Attwood)

This is so true! But before you start beating yourself for not being clear, let me make an observation. Many of us are NOT clear on what we want. Many of us are aware of what we don't like. This is where you start. Define what you don't like and then choose the opposite. Move in that direction. This experience, called life, is a vehicle for us to experience Joy - the ultimate good feeling there is! What is the easiest way to find your way to what you really want? Always choose in favor of the good feeling. Not the superficial good feeling, but the way down deep in your soul good feeling. The good feeling that helps you sleep at night.

The Universe, God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Buddha - all of Creation is here to support YOU! Whether you are clear or not, you are supported and loved. We are co-creators with the Ultimate Creator. Our only  job is to choose the good feeling.

So let's start with creating the good feeling. Today's work - Make a list of everything you like and hang it on the fridge. I like the color red, I like when the kids get along, I like getting my toenails painted, I like low gas prices, I like smart people, I like kind people... you get the idea. Just make a list of everything you like. Lesson 2 will bring the next task.  For now, let the list make you feel good!