Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Task 3 - List of Love

This is the final task for the first lesson. After this step, you're ready for the test...

You've made a list of what you like, what you are good at and now - make a list of what/who you love. This is different from the like scenario. This is the stuff that strikes a deep nerve if things go wrong or makes your heart overflow with gratitude when things go well. For example, I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my dog, my cat, my family, a cushion of cash in the bank... You get the idea. The feeling of love triumphs over the feeling of like. It's the do or die stuff. I like well mannered people, but my world won't turn upside down if a person is rude. If something is off with the family though, that gets my attention. See the difference?

There are two more steps to the assignment today. The second, once you have your love list, put all three lists together and look for overlaps, correlations - anywhere there is a conjunction.

The third step is to prioritize the lists and identify the top 5 on each. 

Meditate on them for a while. Keep the lists handy and read them in the morning and/or at night. Revise them if needed.

I found these steps to be invaluable before taking the test. Why? Well, how can one identify your passions if you don't know who you are? It is critical to have a conscious basic knowledge of what makes you tick. By participating in these exercises, you've developed a starting point to articulating, with clarity, what is important to you.

As an aside, three friends called this week to tell me they feel funky, grumpy, vulnerable or just plain off. This too will pass and is actually quite predictable every July. The seasons seem to be about 2 weeks quicker than last year. There is always a contraction before an expansion. Just take it easy, remember to exercise, eat foods from nature and do what feels good. It sounds like a good time for a vacation. Off to Grandma's house tomorrow!

Task 2 - Making Lists

The Honey-to-Do list has taken on a new meaning!

Yesterday, you made a list of everything you like. Today, make a list of everything you are good at. I'm good at organizing and directing. I'm good at yelling at the kids. I'm good at gardening. I'm good at...

You get the idea.We will get to the actual Test soon enough. These exercises are needed before one actually takes the test. By nature, so many of us are not clear. Most of society is stuck in what they don't like and that can be easier to identify  than what one likes sometimes. If that is where you are, let that be your starting point. If it is easier for you to identify what it is you are bad at, again, let that be where you begin. Make the lists and then turn it around - choose the opposite.For example, I do not like a dirty house but I do like a clean house.

When you are able to identify what you like and what you are good at, you are more than half way to identifying your passions. The things you excel at in life. Your purpose, your desires, the things or circumstances that make your heart sing.

The achievement of anything that you desire must be considered success, whether it is a trophy or money or relationships or things. But if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy—everything else will fall easily into place. For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe. - Abraham Hicks

Joy is the good feeling. Joy is feeling happy, content, and peaceful. Joy is alignment with God's perfect plan for you. The exercises I've given you are designed to help you feel good before you take the test. They are designed to get you clear on what brings your soul satisfaction. We all have wants and desires, but we need to find the 'happy place or alignment' first.

Make your lists and put them on the fridge, in the car, or on your calendar. Pin them to your shirt if you have to! Look at them often and feel good. You are a child of God and when you feel good, you see yourself the way God sees you - completely unique and wonderful.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Passion Test - Lesson 1

What's my passion? 
What's my purpose in life? 
What am I here to do? 
Who am I and where do I fit? 

If any of you are like me, you may have hit a wall at some point in life and reached out for more. Not quite knowing where to go and how to get it, but more. More understanding, more peace, more joy.

When I first asked these same questions all those years ago, the Universe delivered a book to me from a prayer partner named Sandra. I didn't know her very well, but she was more than willing to be God's voice and tell me about this book. I started reading it over 2 years ago and I'm reading it again now. I'm inspired to share some of it's insight with you.

It's called The Passion Test. It promises to help you define what your passion is and create the platform from which you move towards it. If you know the law of attraction and read any of Abraham Hicks work, this will make total sense to you. Even if you don't, it's written as a down to earth, common sense approach to always making the higher choice. The premise - any choice  must be in favor of your passions.

One of the best attributes of this book is its simplicity and practical approach. There is nothing to figure out or wrap your head around. What I find most interesting is that I didn't quite get it the first time around and that was over 2 years ago. It was a great starting place then and even better to read now.

The first lesson - "When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear."  (p.24, The Passion Test, Janet & Chris Attwood)

This is so true! But before you start beating yourself for not being clear, let me make an observation. Many of us are NOT clear on what we want. Many of us are aware of what we don't like. This is where you start. Define what you don't like and then choose the opposite. Move in that direction. This experience, called life, is a vehicle for us to experience Joy - the ultimate good feeling there is! What is the easiest way to find your way to what you really want? Always choose in favor of the good feeling. Not the superficial good feeling, but the way down deep in your soul good feeling. The good feeling that helps you sleep at night.

The Universe, God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Buddha - all of Creation is here to support YOU! Whether you are clear or not, you are supported and loved. We are co-creators with the Ultimate Creator. Our only  job is to choose the good feeling.

So let's start with creating the good feeling. Today's work - Make a list of everything you like and hang it on the fridge. I like the color red, I like when the kids get along, I like getting my toenails painted, I like low gas prices, I like smart people, I like kind people... you get the idea. Just make a list of everything you like. Lesson 2 will bring the next task.  For now, let the list make you feel good!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kid Insight

Yikes, it's almost the end of the month and I've fallen behind on my posts! Summer is here and the kids are home. My attention has shifted a bit!

These little, tapped in, humans have been saying some really insightful statements as they make observations on their own lives. As a result, I'm sharing some of their simple, but highly effective words...

Do your best and forget the rest.
Sin is not feeling goodness.
If I don't love it, I don't do it.
Some people just don't know any better.
That makes no sense at all.
You don't want any part of that mess, just walk away.

Do any of these apply to your life? 

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today is going to be a great day. Today IS a GREAT day.
I am safe in the Universe. The Universe loves and supports me.
Thank you for providing, protecting and guiding me.
Thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of myself.

When you can catch your first thoughts in the morning and the last ones before bed, you set yourself up for all good things. By programming the subconscious in a very simple way, you can help all the wonder of the Universe unfold as is promised today.

Peace and joy are just a thought away.
Heaven is my choice for the mind today.

It's that simple. Just choose a thought that feels good.