My husband has decided he would tell everyone he got beat up by a 4 yr old girl. My son is cool with that. He knows dad is just teasing. His older brother has decided a Star Wars story about how he looks would be good. And the little one could care less. He just wants to wear a cowboy hat and run around with his pants off. Ahhh, the joys of motherhood.
I share these stories with you because this has shown me, in a very real way, how we are all just stories. We wear these costumes called bodies and we play a part in a story. When I was little, the soap operas were called stories. We can choose to play the victim and blame others for our issues. We can choose to play the heroine and save everyone else. We can be a martyr and sacrifice ourselves or we can be an observer. The parts we choose to play are endless.
These roles are dictated by our choices. We choose to put ourselves in situations to have an experience. How we react to the experience defines our role and how we define ourselves.
Here's another story for you... We were at the pool with some friends from school and some older kids decided to 'attack' my group of kids by throwing popsicles and popcorn and squiritng them with water guns while they were harmlessly playing. My role was to go over, tear them a 'new one' and 'save' my group of boys. Not what I had in mind for our pool trip, but God obviously needed me to learn something and these kids provided the scene in which to do it. My kids were good after it was all said and done. Yet another chance to expand and choose light. Am I going to rant and rave about it, or say we need to pray for these kids because they obviously need help making choices. One, might ask, "what did you do to attract this?" Can't say that I know, all I know is that God provides me the words and I deliver the message - even if I'm yelling it at strangers.
We teach each other through example or in direct, interactive ways. We must remember to love each other through the teaching, because we are really just helping each other figure things out and discover another part of who we really are.
My group of kids decided they were tough and 'saved' each other because they could have died. Ha! Talk about a story. One more lesson provided by a group of souls that love us.
So, I ask you today, what story are you creating for your life? Are you going to keep looking back at what could have been or are you going to bless the experiences you've had because they've shaped you into the incredible person you are today? Are you going to play the part of a victim or a loving, willing participant in life?
Just get up, dust yourself off and live life to the best of your ability. YOU are a work in progress. We all are. Let's have some fun while we are here and help each other out on the way. We are ALL children of God. We are ALL brothers and sisters. We are all part of the one soul - the body of Christ.