I bring up The Holy Vessel concept today because so many of us are caught up in this cycle of taking care of everyone else's needs and not paying attention to our own. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of anyone else. I'll share a passage from a book I've been reading and you'll get the idea. "When a soul is not in a physical body, spiritual growth is much slower. When we understand what a great demand there is in the spiritual world for physical bodies, we will respect the ones we have much more... We must learn to treat the physical body as the divine being and partner that it is. It has intelligence and can communicate. It desires to be of service to us and the Divine Plan as long as we will give it the respect of an equal partner." excerpt from Soul Psychology by Joshua Stone, PhD.
It's been revealed to me that a soul has to wait about 200 Earth years before being incarnated into the physical form. That means, when we die, we go to the back of the line! All of this information gives a new perspective on honoring the form we've been given. Stop hating it and telling it hurtful things. Start loving it, feeding it foods it can use, giving it sun, water, exercise and love. Listen to what it needs. If you quiet your mind and let it speak, you will hear it.
Now, I'm speaking to men as well as women here... think of how we respect the body when it is pregnant. Whether you've experienced pregnancy as the man, the woman or an innocent observer, you know what I mean. There is a certain reverence that is associated with 'taking care' of the body. We instinctively know this. We are carrying a precious soul and we want to give it the best physical form possible, so we are 'careful'. What we've forgotten is that we are already carrying a 'precious soul' - our own. What if we could treat our physical form in a way that honored that precious gift? Your soul, the one already in your body, is enough reason to take care of your body. You don't need any other excuse.
On this Mother's Day, I say to you - You are Mother's and Father's of your own soul whether you are pregnant or not. You are a Divine Spark of God in a Divine Vessel. Teach yourself to love yourself. Allow your body what it needs to have the experience you signed up for in this lifetime.
As for me, if I have to wait another 200 years for a body, I'm going to help this one last as long as possible - at least 200 years! St. Germain in Europe lasted 350 years. Wouldn't it be cool to be blogging when I'm 201. Talk about story!
Wishing you the ability to Love completely and to Know who you are...