Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eat Real: Sleep is a Nutrient

How many of us think we can push through it? We can do it all! And do it all right now, right? So we are up early, go to bed late, push ourselves all day and we do this everyday!

Do this for enough time and what happens... less satisfaction in life, the joy leaves, the simple beauty of each moment escapes us, there's always one more thing to do. We get caught in the cycle of insanity. What's the solution - sleep! Yes, all we have to do is go to bed at a regular time and wake up at a regular time. If we allow our circadian rhythms to get in line with the season and our innate, intuitive nature, we would all feel alot better. Our culture promotes an addiction to stress and being 'on' or 'plugged in' all the time. The more stimulated we are on a relentless basis, the more our lack of rest contributes to weight gain, sickness, depression and a whole host of other issues.

Sleep is a nutrient. It is essential for our well being. Sleep is when our body restores and detoxifies from the day. Sleep allows our body to replenish and repair the physical and mental work from the day. When you skip sleep, you short change your body and opportunity to work at an efficient rate to heal. Most Americans now rank sleep above sex in a list of what's most important in life!

Signs of sleep deprivation:
Ineffective social communication
Weight gain
Cracking under pressure
Memory loss
Poor concentration
Appetite changes
Lack of joy
Lack of libido

What you can do:
Create a bedtime ritual
Plan sleep into your schedule
Plan a consistent wake up time
Stop eating 3 hours before going to bed
Don't watch TV before bed
Don't exercise within 3 hours of sleep
Take a bath
Read a book
Take a 30min nap during the day to help catch up
Skip naps if you already sleep to much

Don't shortchange your experience or feel you have to push through one more hour of work when you just need a rest. You will feel invigorated, less hungry, less worried, less stressed and a whole lot happier, more efficient and productive all with enough sleep. You'll get more done in less time.

Unplug, turn off and rest... I say this as I type at 11pm! Going to bed myself!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Be Real: Fishing for God

May has been a busy month in our house - birthdays, end of school events, parties, etc... Last weekend was Mother's Day and my husband has been working nonstop all month. I brought the kids to church alone and left feeling terrible. The little one has a way of loosing it towards the middle of mass that spins me up. This a lesson that I must learn and find peace with before I die! Anyway, we decided to take this weekend off from church and go fishing. It was a Mother's Day 'do-over'. We went to the local lake and cast hooks into the water to see what we would catch.

The boys had a good time. We didn't catch much, but it was beautiful to sit in the sun and listen to them dream. Something extraordinary happened - a Koi flipped out of the water about 7 feet from us. It was at least 20lbs! The kids got so excited and decided that is what they were going to catch! The next cast brought in a little sunfish instead. They were excited, though, and had even more resolve to catch the big fish!

We had nothing with us to accommodate catching the big fish. The poles weren't right and the thought of unhooking it gave me the shivers. Sure, we could handle the little one. It fit in our hand, we had the pliers to take out the hook and it was just big enough for our reel and rod. But, what if we did catch a line on that Koi? Would our rods and reels be able to handle that weight? How about us - were we ready to pull a hook out of the mouth of something that big? It was a lesson for me. God, the Holy Spirit, will give you exactly what you want/need and are ready to receive. We were ready to receive the small fish. Although the kids would tell you they were ready to receive the big one - I can tell you, I was not.

Preparation is required to go after a fish that big. The mechanisms must be in place to catch it. Think of this for your life. How many of us dream of winning the lottery? If only I could have more? This true life parable showed me that what many of us have is exactly what we need and can handle right now. But, we are also shown the possibilities of what exists. If we want the bigger fish, we have to do the work to catch it. We also have to allow it.

So, here's the kicker - what if we did catch that fish and still were completely unprepared for it? It would have been SO COOL anyway! So what if we didn't have what we think we needed to accommodate it, we would have figured it out! That's surrender. We can do our part, put all the pieces in place and control what we can AND we can completely surrender to the Will of The Creator and TRUST that we can handle whatever comes and it will be SO COOL to experience!

Trust that what comes is for your best and highest good. Trust that you are cared for in a real and tangible way. Trust that this is pretend and the 'other side' is real.

To be happy, do not add to possessions, but subtract from desires.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eat Real: The Holy Vessel

My mother was always one to say, "Your body is a temple". I can remember her drilling this into us, especially before bath time when we're standing their butt naked. I think my earliest memories of this started when I was 4. Of course, she was trying to help us understand why we needed to be clean and that we should respect ourselves. When we entered middle school and high school, she still repeated it, but for different reasons. As you can guess, it wasn't until college that I had a 'real' boyfriend! And, I ended up marrying him! Ha.

I bring up The Holy Vessel concept today because so many of us are caught up in this cycle of taking care of everyone else's needs and not paying attention to our own. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of anyone else. I'll share a passage from a book I've been reading and you'll get the idea. "When a soul is not in a physical body, spiritual growth is much slower. When we understand what a great demand there is in the spiritual world for physical bodies, we will respect the ones we have much more... We must learn to treat the physical body as the divine being and partner that it is. It has intelligence and can communicate. It desires to be of service to us and the Divine Plan as long as we will give it the respect of an equal partner." excerpt from Soul Psychology by Joshua Stone, PhD.

It's been revealed to me that a soul has to wait about 200 Earth years before being incarnated into the physical form. That means, when we die, we go to the back of the line! All of this information gives a new perspective on honoring the form we've been given. Stop hating it and telling it hurtful things. Start loving it, feeding it foods it can use, giving it sun, water, exercise and love. Listen to what it needs. If you quiet your mind and let it speak, you will hear it.

Now, I'm speaking to men as well as women here... think of how we respect the body when it is pregnant. Whether you've experienced pregnancy as the man, the woman or an innocent observer, you know what I mean. There is a certain reverence that is associated with 'taking care' of the body. We instinctively know this. We are carrying a precious soul and we want to give it the best physical form possible, so we are 'careful'. What we've forgotten is that we are already carrying a 'precious soul' - our own. What if we could treat our physical form in a way that honored that precious gift? Your soul, the one already in your body, is enough reason to take care of your body. You don't need any other excuse.

On this Mother's Day, I say to you - You are Mother's and Father's of your own soul whether you are pregnant or not. You are a Divine Spark of God in a Divine Vessel. Teach yourself to love yourself. Allow your body what it needs to have the experience you signed up for in this lifetime.

As for me, if I have to wait another 200 years for a body, I'm going to help this one last as long as possible - at least 200 years! St. Germain in Europe lasted 350 years. Wouldn't it be cool to be blogging when I'm 201. Talk about story!

Wishing you the ability to Love completely and to Know who you are...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Be Real: Prayer & Personal Responsibility

So I'm researching information for a new workshop I'm developing and come across this article on prayer and health: 25 Intriguing Scientific Studies About Faith. The article goes on to state 19 different studies that show an increase in quality of life, care and well being in patients that have prayer and faith in their life. Only 5 studies show no affect of prayer on health. What struck me is the concept of faith being scientifically studied in healing health. Faith is instinctively a part of each of us.

Faith is trust in God. God is the same as Source, Universe, Life Force. It's trust in that there is something larger and greater and all knowing. The Creator of All That Is. It's trust that this Force always delivers exactly what you want and need for your best and highest good. But, let me ask you this - you're praying for a miracle, instantaneous healing, a million dollars - but it's not happening. So what's going on? The Holy Spirit will deliver the miracle to you at the place and in the way you are ready to receive it. Instant healing is possible if you are in a 'place' to receive it. But, what if meeting a person who tells you to eat green foods and get off processed foods in the miracle? What if listening to your neighbor say they are stopping their lawn service because of the chemicals is the miracle? What if taking the chemo treatment or the surgery or rejecting all of it is the miracle? What if taking steps to open a new business or invest is the miracle? We are responsible for helping put the mechanisms in place to allow the miracle to happen!

We have personal responsibility when we pray and ask for miracles. Our responsibility is to be ready to receive it. Be ready and open to hearing what is placed in front of us. Be open to other ways of thinking, eating, speaking and doing that are presented. God always delivers blessings and lessons. That's why we chose to be incarnated on this planet and have the 3-D experience. We chose to have these blessed lessons so that we could learn and allow our soul to advance when we return to the other side.

Do not judge results. Death is a miracle. And for some people, the disease they are experiencing is the miracle. Why? Because they are having their own experience. It's not up to us to change it or fix them. It's up to us to support them in the best way we can for the best and highest good. It's up to us to love them right where they are and exactly for who they are right now. We don't have to take on their burden, unless of course, we want that experience.

Remember Free Will? There is always another way, another choice and we always have free will to select it. One might say choose it or reject it. There is no rejection, only selection. When you become aware of this at a core level, you have reached a place of conscious co-creation with the Creator of All That Is.

Jesus came to me today. He reminded me: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. He who lives in Me has eternal life." He unlocked the door and gave us the recipe for advancing our souls. So did Buddha. I'm not talking about religion - this is spirituality at it's core. We are all going to Heaven. The goal is to advance in Heaven.

Prayer - it opens the door to miracles. But remember, God helps those who help themselves.