The stage had been set and like Pavlov's dog, I followed the predetermined response. Now, this got me to thinking - how many other things in life are we programmed to do and don't even realize it? Our subconscious is a super computer that holds all of our programming. It takes 6 weeks to create a new habit and 6 months for that habit to become part of a lifestyle. So, if we are doing affirmations or trying to change our behavior in some way, we could expect 6 weeks for it to take hold. But, what I'm thinking is this - if we can set the stage so that we create a new set of circumstances and create a new habit around that - would it happen even quicker?
Did you realize that you make 200 or more unconcsious food choices a day? What are you watching on TV, reading or the computer? All this information is being programmed into your subconscious. Are you addicted to stress? How much of the media do you consciously allow into your life? How controlled are you? How free are you, really? Package sizes, plate sizes, portion sizes... If you could reprogram yourself, what would you download? What would you erase?
Lent is fast approaching our Catholic community. It is 6 weeks long. We usually fast, meditate and practice introspection. Is it a coincidence that it's 6 weeks? I don't think so. I think 'they' new even back then what it takes to change behavior and create inner peace. How about fasting? You are what you eat. Is it any coincidence that it's right before Spring, the time when our bodies naturally want to cleanse? How about meditation and introspection? Isn't that easier when the stage is set through diet and creating time for oneself? I love Lent. It is truly my favorite time of year. It is a gift to be able to have this time set aside to focus on opening my connection to God and clearing the way for a more profound relationship with Him. I've been consciously practicing Lenten behaviors since June 2009. It feels like I've come home now that it is upon us.
Now, let's put it together... programming our subconscious and opening our connection to God. We become a receptive vessel in which to change our programming. So, as Lent approaches and whether or not you practice it or not, I invite you to take this journey with me for 6 weeks and open yourself to creating a greater relationship with yourself. And in doing so, creating a greater relationship with Source, the Universe - God.