I usually try to keep these posts short, sweet and leave the politics of health care out of it. But, today, I can no longer remain silent. It's imperative that people know the matrix of consumer insanity that the health care system is composed of. How, us living in a consumer based society have been manipulated to play a part in sickness. It might sound like conspiracy theory to you, but there is hard evidence to back it all up.
This morning's paper has a Senate report detailing how GSK knew of possible heart attack risks tied to their drug Avandia, a diabetes medication. Yet, it's taken years before this information and evidence has become public. After a two year inquiry, it's been shown that clinical trials of Avandia continued even after the USDA estimated that the drug caused 83,000 heart attacks between 1999-2007. That's just one part of my outrage this morning.
(reference: News & Observer, Sunday, Feb. 21, 2010, pg.1, section A)The second comes from an email I received from my intestinal therapist. Yes, colonic irrigation specialist. It is exactly as it sounds! The information I received is about the S.3002 McCain-Dorgan Senate Bill. This bill proposes to limit, regulate and otherwise control our access to supplements. In our current state of health care insanity, many of these supplements are the consumer's first step towards taking responsibility for their health. I know I used and still use some. And, if it were not for having access to them and the research that goes along with them, I wouldn't have been able to cure myself of shingles, thyroiditis, high cholesterol, depression and inflamed cystic acne. It was my desire to take responsibility for my health and not be dependent on the current state of health care. I wanted to get off the cycle of insanity of going to the doctor and getting yet another 'band-aid' prescription.
(reference: Health Freedom Update)So many of us see the handwriting on the wall. We know there is a better way. We know that God's way of simplicity is the way to true peace, health and happiness. However, along the journey, there are steps and using supplements is a step.
When it comes down to it, food is the only thing we can truly rely on. Real, honest to goodness food that grows in the sun and rain without pesticides, herbicides or genetically engineered components. As it stands now, the USDA (aka. government) controls us enough through what they tell us we should eat, what we should weigh and what we should feel, think and do - all through their 'guidelines'. Is it any wonder that the country is sick and dying when agriculture is encouraged by government subsidies to make more corn, wheat and beef? Have you looked at the food pyramid lately? The biggest area is the 'grain' section. People went from no carb to all carb. All carb means higher blood sugar. Higher blood sugar means more insulin. More insulin means more diabetes, more fat, more sickness. AGHH!
This all leads me to what I believe is the 'next big thing'. Vegetables. Lots of them. You've already seen an influx of books talking about eating mostly plants. There is an undercurrent of folks who are buying local. Instead of fitting in the box, they are consciously fitting out.
Do you want health, energy and happiness? Then you have to do the work. Stop looking to someone else to fix you and look to someone else to
teach you. Learn the tools for your body and your life. You'll know when you've found the right person and the right tool when you feel good. Each person is unique, we are not a one size fits all society. Take it upon yourself to learn all you can for the health of you and your family.