Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Crappy to Happy in 3 Bloody Minutes

We were in a huge funk at the beginning of the week. Whatever you call it, cabin fever, vacation recovery, too much togetherness - it was just ugly. The kids and I were not in harmony. July feels, to me, like the middle of winter. I feel like a hamster stuck in a cage because of the weather restrictions. Man, I just feel restricted!

Then came the bloody nose. Big brother gave little brother too rough a tackle. The third kid really does take a beating.Wake up call! God has a way of getting my attention through blood/injury and money. These get my attention and spark immediate action. Unintentional or not, mommy gets ugly when blood is drawn. It was not a pretty sight. At this point we were all feeling really crappy. So, I asked for help and said, "I am aligned with Source." The crappy feeling continued until something magical happened...

A commitment for Wednesday night canceled. All of a sudden my week was completely free and I felt better. There was literally a shift within my body that could be felt and registered in my brain - things had turned in the right direction. A total transformation within 3 minutes and I was a different person! I had another commitment Monday afternoon and canceled it. A client rescheduled due to vacation. The weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. I canceled a extra checking account the bank had talked me into and a gym membership I haven't used in a year. Wow, this feels great! The laundry is caught up and folded. The school supplies are bought and organized. The school uniforms and shoes are purchased. The kids are getting along and the little one recovered quickly.  So I ask you. . .  How can you open yourself up for transformation?

What can you cancel today that will lift some weight off your shoulders? 
What can you throw out? 
What can you do just for yourself and no one else?

Sometimes what we need is less, not more, to feel better. The Universe has a way of focusing our direction. The signs are obvious. Ease is the path to joy. All we have to do is pay attention and reach for the better feeling. Sometimes blood is involved, but that's just a part of life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am...

Ohhhh, we are back from Grandma's house. We need a vacation to recover from the vacation! You've had plenty of time to meditate now on what you like, what you are good at and what you love. These lists are designed to give you a clearer sense of self. To be consciously aware of who you are. Now, on to the Passion Test....

The test begins with another list. Imagine that?! Except this list begins with the statement, "When my life is ideal, I am (experiencing, having, feeling, being, loving....)__________________." Make a list of the top ten (or more) things that would give you a life of joy. You don't have to be experiencing them now, but want to be. The previous exercises I gave you were designed to help you really look at what is happening right now in your life, what you like and what you don't. Now, you have the opportunity to design what you'd like your life to look like. Close your eyes and visualize your life. Where are you? Who's with you? What are you doing? How do you feel? Let yourself loose and write it down!

Once you have your Ideal Life List written, put the list in order of importance. The goal is to get the most important in the top 5 of the list. When I first did this, I couldn't limit myself to the top 5 because I didn't realize my passions can change or that they might be a subsection under a larger heading. For instance, You might say you're life is ideal when you have flexible work hours and you're life is ideal when you are enjoying every minute of the day. Can you see how "Enjoying every minute of the day" could be the passion and "flexible work hours" can fall under it as a condition that facilitates "Enjoying every minute of the day"?  It's this kind of refinement we are asked to do in the book so that we can really look at our desires and allow our lives to sing.

Don't over think things, though. Go with your first instinct in making the list and let it sit for a bit. I know I had to come back to mine. The writers recommend that we take the test at least every 6 months. It's a good way to really refine and become clear about what we truly love.

The clearer you become about what you truly love and desire, the stronger your conscious intention becomes, and this helps the rest of your brain respond in an organized way. The Passion Test. p.34.

Of course, this is just the beginning, but it's where I end for now.  Have a GLORIOUS day!